Scorpio Quotes #027


Scorpio Quotes #027:

Scorpios love extremely hard, but when their heart has decided it's time to call it quites, they can walk right by your ass and act like you're invisible.

One of the biggest fears of a Scorpio is being lied to by someone they love and trust.

She says things with her eyes that men can not put into words.

Scorpio finds it difficult to keep their mouth shut when they dislike someone.

Scorpios need a partner that will love them enough to realize that there will be times when theyjust need to vent the feelings that are overwhelming them.

Most Scorpios have a big problem with a person not listening to them. They always want their words to be of significance.

I'm one of the people that when I ask "what's wrong?" I really do care.

A creat number of Scorpios may be found in the helping professions because they are so keyed in to people's pain and the struggle of those trapped in their own darkness.

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