Scorpio Personality


Scorpio Personality #003:

Scorpios are intense. They're dealing after all with life and death - and, by extension, with birth and sex. Scorpio is all about mystery, about how that poison stinger can so quickly change life into death, and Scorpios can be both penetrating and incisive. Scorpio is one of the signs that has two rulers, pluto and mars. That's why this sign can be quite a warrior, and very powerful. Combined with their fixed nature, these people never give up. Like all water signs, Scorpios are more concerned with feelings that appearances, but as a fixed sign, they're often resistant to change as well. They are constantly probing beneath the obvious face of things, seeking what lies beneath. Their intensity and probing may make them sound humorless and frightening, but these same characteristics create both passion and excitement as well. You may feel as if a scorpion is looking right through you, but the feeling may be an invigoration one.
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