10 SCORPIO Qualities


10 SCORPIO Qualities and Characteristics from Zodiacscope:

Being a Scorpio, you are quite shrewd and astute and even intensely revengeful in cases, you are not the right person to cross. You are the symbol of courage and power, and this is certainly accompanied by foresight, intelligence and power, along the freedom that this power provides.

Scorpio Qualities

Ignore a Scorpio and they will make sure you never forget them.

Scorpio Qualities

Do not lie to a Scorpio. They are natural investigators and will always find out the truth.

Scorpio Qualities

Scorpios dislike being disrespected on any level.

Scorpio Qualities

Scorpio focus on the hidden aspects of everything.

Scorpio Qualities

Scorpio never gives up.

Scorpio Qualities

Scorpios are very emotional but they don't always show it.

Scorpio Qualities

Scorpios love harder than any other sign.

Scorpio Qualities

Scorpios are secretive and need their private time.

Scorpio Qualities

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